Amergeris Global Markets (UK) Ltd provides a wide range of services including trade execution, broker-dealer services and was established due to the need of our private and institutional wealth management clients to have a presence in the UK.

We have a professional network of experienced experts offering customized solutions to unique client needs. We provide trade execution and brokerage services to professional clients and eligible counterparties. Our bespoke solutions cater to the needs of our clients through fast to market, flexible systems which we provide together with our custodian. The scalability of our business is easily transferable across different regions and products and expertly supported by our team.

We can assist with advising on and arranging transactions in many investment types which includes shares, bonds, commodities, futures, foreign exchange and options.

We have access to the finest state of the art execution electronic trading platform and are committed to ensuring all trades are handled with due care and with our obligation of best execution, which ensures protection for our clients and integrity of prices.

Each client retains ultimate control over the investment making decisions within their portfolio together with their advisor across a range of products, whilst also retaining access to the experience and professional advice provided by our brokers.


Contact us

Amicorp Global Markets (UK) Ltd
8th Floor, 167 Fleet Street
London EC4A 2EA
Telephone: +44 (0) 758 456 7955


Legal and Statutory Disclosures

Advisory and brokerage services are provided by Amergeris Global Markets (UK) Ltd, incorporated in England and Wales under registration number 10013784.

Registered office at 8th Floor, 167 Fleet Street, London EC4A 2EA.

Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, 25 The North Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5HS, United Kingdom (Financial Services Register Firm Reference Number 756931).